Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Star Wars in 3D? Booya!

According to a blip on our local Country Station (I know, I don't like coutnry, but it was playing at work), and I hear that after watcing Avatar, Clash of the Titans, and a couple of other 3D movies, George Lucas has decided to have both Star Wars trilogies converted into 3D.
Granted, the live scenes with the actores won't have as good a 3D, as compared to Avatar, since the latter was specifically filmed for 3D, and Star Wars was (sadly) not.  But, through some easy computer recreation, I can see the space combat having specatular 3D effects.

This does, however, prove that Lucas no longer has to do any significant amount of work anymore to make money.  The only thing that our favorite beared goliath of indusry has to do is pick up a phone and make a call to Industrial Light and Magic, and tell them to convert the movie, if even that.  He could have been gazing lazily out the window one sunny fall afternoon, and just in passing, told his assistant, "Star Wars in 3D would be cool" and said assistant runs the msg to ILM.

Still, with the amount of work that Lucas has had to do to get the Star Wars movies made to begin with, and I'm refering more to the original trilogy, he's probably earned it.  The producers giving him hard times, trying to change the script on him, the directors guild slapping Episode V director Ivan Kershner, and Lucas reposnding by paying the fine, and leaving the guild (good man for supporting his crew like that).

And, all-in-all, I'm pretty sure when the 3D Star Wars hits local theatres, I'll definately be in the line-up.

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