Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Star Wars in 3D? Booya!

According to a blip on our local Country Station (I know, I don't like coutnry, but it was playing at work), and I hear that after watcing Avatar, Clash of the Titans, and a couple of other 3D movies, George Lucas has decided to have both Star Wars trilogies converted into 3D.
Granted, the live scenes with the actores won't have as good a 3D, as compared to Avatar, since the latter was specifically filmed for 3D, and Star Wars was (sadly) not.  But, through some easy computer recreation, I can see the space combat having specatular 3D effects.

This does, however, prove that Lucas no longer has to do any significant amount of work anymore to make money.  The only thing that our favorite beared goliath of indusry has to do is pick up a phone and make a call to Industrial Light and Magic, and tell them to convert the movie, if even that.  He could have been gazing lazily out the window one sunny fall afternoon, and just in passing, told his assistant, "Star Wars in 3D would be cool" and said assistant runs the msg to ILM.

Still, with the amount of work that Lucas has had to do to get the Star Wars movies made to begin with, and I'm refering more to the original trilogy, he's probably earned it.  The producers giving him hard times, trying to change the script on him, the directors guild slapping Episode V director Ivan Kershner, and Lucas reposnding by paying the fine, and leaving the guild (good man for supporting his crew like that).

And, all-in-all, I'm pretty sure when the 3D Star Wars hits local theatres, I'll definately be in the line-up.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good Laughs

Wow, Friday was a great night.  I went to the Billy Barker Casino Hotel, here in Quesnel, and I was foruntane enough to see a couple of really great stand-up comics.  The opening act was a guy I'd only just heard about during the advertising of the show.  His name is Matt Billon.  Great comic, and really good guy too.  I had a chance to chat with him and the main act outside the casino before the show.

The main act?  Somebody, who is in my opinion, the absolute best Canadian stand-up comedian ever.  Mike MacDonald.  His personality off stage is a testimate to his persona on stage.  A humble, but strong minded man, and it was a great honour to have both met the man, and see him perform.

During the performance itself, there was a very VERY annoying drunk in the front row. "There's always one, and they're always in the front row" (Mike MacDonalds words).

Matt did an excellent job at playing this guy and keeping the show going.  But, as the night went, the drunken baffoon, Jim, only got worse.  And, the audience was ready to lynch this guy.  And, within minutes of taking the stage, so was Mike MacDonald.

It took about half an hour of dealing with this guy, but eventually Mike dealt with him in the best way I had ever seen.

Mike looks down from the stage to Jim and asks, "How much did your ticket cost?  Twenty dollars?"
He pulled a $20 bill from him pocket, put it on Jims table, told him to leave, and asked security to escort him out, also making a brilliant off-hand sarcastic remark to Jim, "You should really pay every other member of the audience $20, since you're ruining the show they came to see"

Bravo Mr MacDonald, bravo.

Once security removed the intoxicated individual, Mike then, being ever the proffessional, told the audience that out show starts when he can start is practived routine, so, once Jim was removed, our show started "now".

From there, we had an most excellent show, from both comedians.  I most certainly tip my hat to the both of them.

I had a picture with Matt Billon taken as well.  I'll post it as soon as I can, but it was taking on a friends camera, so I'm just waiting for her to post it on her Facebook.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Might be time to move on.

So, they way things are looking, I may have to ready myself very quickly to move on.  Job searching isn't going to well right now.  I'm not finding anything yet.  So, I've already sent  messages to a couple of friends down south, hoping to find couch space until I can find regular enough work, then hopefully still, find a place of my own, or a roomate.

One of the plus sides to this idea is, I can work on my application to the navy directly from one of the recruitment offices, which I can't do up here, since the nearest recruitment centre that I know of is in Kamloops, and it's only for the Reserves.  What I want is to join the Navy as a full time Non-Commisioned Member.

So, it may seem like things are bad, but, at least there still some hope, and things could be far far worse.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Two Wheels Bad?

    I didn't really want to start this blog as a forum of complaint, but I really must make protest about some of the behaviors and actions involving cyclists, and I'm fairly certain that I'm not the only one with similar complaints.
    I ride an electric scooter, requiring no insurance, registration, or drivers license.  My scooter has a maximum speed of 30 miles per hour onflat ground, and falls within the same laws as bicycle.  Yet, while traffic laws are (understandable) enforced for electrical assisted bicycles like mine, regular bicycles seems to be given free reign as to how they ride through the streets.

    As an example of personal experience, I was riding my scoot and took a route that brought me onto the sidewalk for more than 20 feet.

    This was witnessed bit a police officer, who immediately stopped me for riding on the sidewalk.  The officer was good enough to let me go with a warning, and that, I am appreciative.  I was in the wrong, which I accept, and the outcome could have been worse.

    Even as a bicycle, I am expected to adhere to the flow of traffic, keeping to the shoulder of the road to allow regular traffic to pass me.  All of this is fully understandable and easily accepted.  However, this is where my issue begins to become more irritating.

    Since this occurrence, I have seen more than a multitude of bicycles that do not adhere to any of the traffic laws...  lack of helmets, riding on the sidewalk, running through stop signs without as much as slowing down, no hand signal when turning and even riding against the flow of traffic of a one way street.  I've witnessed these incursions time and time again, but never seen and of the laws regarding these acts enforced.

    Regular, pedal powered bicycles are, under the laws of the Department of Transportation, are vehicles, required to follow the traffic laws, and nothing is done.  Why?

    I would greatly like to see these laws to be enforced, just as they would be enforced with any other vehicle... car, truck, big rig, motorcycle, scooter.

    On another note regarding electric scooters; Since they indeed fall under the Department of Transportation laws as an electrical assisted bicycles, they are allowed full access to bicycle trails.  I have been reprimanded on a number of occasions for being on the bike trail with a motorized vehicle.  I am not a motorized vehicle.  If a bicycle is allowed on the trail, so am I on my scooter.

    However, unlike another rider of an electrical scooter I've seen, I again follow the law laid out by the Department of Transportation, and yield to all foot traffic on these trails.  Pedestrians do indeed have the right of way on the bike trail, and unlike this other rider, I do NOT come up as close as I can to people walking on the trail and honk my horn, expecting them to get out of my way.  I maintain a safe distance to these people and considerably slow down until I either have a safe area to pass, or, the people on the trail are considerate, and step to the side for me.